Friday, November 7, 2008

Green Home Award using Active Air Purification

This is a great story - a story about turning a negative into a positive.

This home had some water damage that lead to a mold problem. After inspections and remediation, the home was treated with a Sanitization Protocol by a NORMI Trained Professional. Included in the package was an ActivTek "InDuct" purifier for each of the home's heating and cooling zones.

This allowed the home to qualify for the NORMI Healthier Home Warranty - a warranty that ensures the home's air quality will remain excellent, and that mold will not return. This is the only lifetime mold warranty I've ever heard of and one of the main reasons we chose to work with NORMI as our training and certifying partner.

The home undertook a drastic transformation and the end result was a safe and healthy home, free from odours and making things much easier for anyone with allergies. The active purifiers are the same brand we use and recommend for our clients - they are NORMI Approved, meaning that the National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors has tested the product and found it to dramatically improve air quality, and in this case even surface sanitization (!) without having negative effect's on the home's occupants.

We have had great successes using these active air purification systems - they are a long way away from the old "ozone generator" technology. they use a system called "ActivePure" to produce a plasma that is circulated by the home's furnace (or air conditioning) system.

Instead of working like a filter and needing to bring pollutants to a single area to attempt removal, the system ACTIVELY goes out and destroys bacteria, yeast and molds on surfaces and in the air. These systems work 24/7 to protect your home, while reducing odours and making things all-around more pleasant for the occupants.

Allergy relief, odour removal, mold prevention - these systems do a fantastic job of cleaning the air.

For more information on the NORMI Certificate of Sanitization program, or to locate a NORMI Trained Professional near you, please see

For more information on how these systems can be deployed to help your air quality and even to do it in a measurable, objective way, contact Douglas Environmental Solutions -

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