Monday, November 2, 2009

Reverse Osmosis - Fact vs Fiction

Today we're going to start debunking some of the urban legends out there surrounding reverse osmosis (RO.) RO was invented years ago as a way to desalinate water for the US Navy submarines. Its a stable technology that has had numerous advancements in terms of efficiency and performance over its life span. There is a lot of confusion over RO technology out there - claims that it can't do this, shouldn't do that, requires something else, etc.

I have done a lot of research not only on water purification, but also on water and its effect on health. There are a lot of people shucking half-truths out there, so let's get started....

Myth #1: Reverse Osmosis is inferior to Carbon Filtration at Chemical Removal

Myth Busted: RO is NEVER (NEVER EVER EVER) used with a membrane alone. They always have PRE and POST filters to treat the water before and after the membrane (always.) -Anything an under-counter filtration system can remove, an RO SYSTEM can remove. To say the membrane can't remove certain chemicals is true, but to say an RO SYSTEM can't remove them is a flat out lie...

Myth #2: RO Removes Calcium and Vital Minerals from the Water

Myth Busted: There's not a shred of medical evidence that shows your body can process inorganic (or non-chelated) minerals such as calcium. These minerals are in the same form as limestone rock, or chalk.

You need calcium in your diet, but it needs to be organic calcium - bonded with amino acids (the process that happens in plants like broccoli, and inside the 9 stomachs of cows that makes the calcium bioavailable.) No doctor would recommend eating chalk or sucking on rocks to supplement the calcium in your diet.

Furthermore, the minute amount of calcium your body could absorb (even if it were possible) is vastly outweighed by the chemicals and disinfection byproducts/trihalomethanes the RO process removes from the water. The argument that these minerals are essential is akin to suggesting its ok to eat an entire bag of unlabelled pills because you're sure there are a few vitamin C's in there... No-one has any idea what chemicals are in the water - digesting them all just to get a few bits of calcium is ridiculous. Take supplements, eat green veggies, cheese or yogurt - you'll get what you need without the chemicals (assuming its organic, that is...) be continued! 

In the meantime, if you have any concerns about RO or other water quality concerns, visit us at and submit your question via the "Ask The Expert" section at the bottom of the Contact Us form, or email directly at!

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